Our brains are wired to detect and protect us from potential threats. Without developing an ability to be aware of thinking as “just thoughts,” this survival function can entangle us in negativity and cause us to unnecessarily view circumstances as problematic. In survival mode, we feel stressed and anxious. Mindfulness practice creates a space for us to observe the activity of our minds without evaluation, giving us the ability to stop identifying with the content of our thoughts and see life, and ourselves, with clarity.
Our perspective is usually based on our unique experiences, our opinions, beliefs, and the outcomes we desire. This means that our perspective is limited. We forget that we are just one of billions of other beings, each with our own unique approach to life. Stress can cause us to focus narrowly on what we know instead of giving us access to the full truth and creative solutions to our challenges. Through a mindful living practice, we can dissolve stress and learn to embrace curiosity, which allows us to notice aspects of life that we usually miss.

Our habitual ways of meeting challenges in life were formed at an early age, usually in moments when we felt like our emotional or physical survival was at risk. As we get older, we grow accustomed to the ways we automatically respond to our challenges even when our habits produce negative emotions. Although we can never completely erase our old habits, we can create new ones that allow us to grow, be successful, and experience more happiness in life.
We all have an inner critic who says harsh and unkind things that we would never say to another person. The inner critic is the voice of judgment, which usually arises when we meet a challenge with fear-based energy. With practice, we can learn to direct kindness and compassion to ourselves in stressful times in the same way we would do to our loved ones. This begins with connecting with the essence of who we really are, feeling our connection to all beings, and knowing that we are worthy of love.

When it comes to being happy, we can often get in our own way by getting entangled in habitual negativity or limiting beliefs that may feel familiar but do not serve our wellbeing. We find safety in our comfort zone, so we typically stay close to its center even when we know change is necessary. The first step to stopping self-sabotage is noticing it as it’s happening, then learning how to redirect our thoughts and actions toward solutions that lead us to our desired state of being.
Are we thinking our thoughts or are our thoughts thinking us? The brain produces thousands of thoughts a day and they all arise from the limitations of our personal experience, opinions, and knowledge. We tend to believe that we are the content of our thoughts instead of seeing them for what they are – mental phenomena. With practice, we can come to know the spacious, sky-like nature of the mind and learn how to let thoughts pass or use them as a tool for a specific purpose.